Pasiunea unei tinere pentru carti a transformat-o intr-o vedeta online. Aceasta a cucerit mediul virtual, dupa ce a postat pe contul personal diverse imagini in care s-a folosit de carti pentru a crea imagini artistice.

Cei mai multi oameni folosesc cartile pentru a le citi. Iar altii gasesc in literatura diverse pretexte pentru a evada intr-un univers minunat imaginat de diversi autori.

Pentru Elizabeth Sagan, lucrurile nu sunt diferite. Doar ca tanara a cunoscut celebritatea online, atunci cand a inceput sa foloseasca diverse carti ca instrumente pe care le modeleaza dupa bunul plac, gandind imagini prin care isi exprima arta, titreaza Bored Panda.

Contul sau de Instagram a devenit extrem de popular, avand peste 90.000 de urmaritori. Aceasta isi surprinde urmaritorii prin scenarii creative, folosindu-se de cartile din biblioteca proprie.

Daca totul a inceput prin a face recomandari de carti sau prin poze ale copertilor, acum se implica tot mai mult. Astfel, Elizabeth a reusit sa faca fotografii din ce in ce mai creative si complexe.

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What was the most important day of your life? 📚 (Ad) 2 years ago I was finding myself in a bad place. I was feeling like the 2 most important things of my life couldn’t coexist any longer, but if I were to give one up, I had to give the other one up too, and what was left of my life would have been a terrible college experience and family problems. My favourite moments of those days were the few seconds just after waking up, when I was trying to make sense of who I was, where I was and when I was. The good, old void of living outside of time and space – I was longing for it. 📚 Until one night, whose sky I framed thanks to the great people at @thenightskyio. There are a few other days that I can pinpoint as being important for me, but none of them comes even close to the 9th of February 2017, to what this day brought me in the short and in the long run. I can feel its effects every single day and I will never forget the 180 degrees turn from the sad, depressed, enraged and angry person that I was to who I am now. Every time I'll look at my Night Sky, I'll remember that things will be OK in the end, and if they're not OK, it means it's not the end. 📚 So what is the most important day of your life? The one day that changed everything for you? What's one event that changed your perspective on life or that shaped who you are? 📚 #thenightsky 📚 #bookstagram #artofinstagram #art #stars #fromabove #wordporn #poetry #whpmotion #bookgram #tothestars #flying #poetryisnotdead #poet #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #bookstagrammer #booksofinstagram #igread #yalovin #harrypotter #boek #bok #bog

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Cum ajută cărțile ilustrate dezvoltarea limbajului copiilor?
Cum ajută cărțile ilustrate...

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Tell me one truth and one lie about you and I'll try to guess which is which. 📚 Time for the August #owlcrate unboxing! The theme was Ruthless Royals and the box included: 📚 🌟️A pocket mirror inspired by The Belles and designed by @catarinabookdesigns 🌟A gemstone ring from @geocentral 🌟️A magnetic bookmark inspired by villainous queens and created by @craftedvan 🌟️A book tin inspired by the Cruel Prince and designed by @stellabookishart 🌟️A tea towel inspired by Throne of Glass and designed by @littleinklingsdesign 🌟The book pick for the month: Grace and Fury by @tracythewriter! This edition had an exclusive cover and it was signed by the author! 📚 Don't forget to use ELIZABETH for @owlcrate and @owlcratejr to save some money! 📚 Pic inspired by @darkfaerietales_ . 📚 #owlcrateunboxing #unboxing #bookbox #bookstagram #bookworm #bookwarm #flatlay #fromabove #bookart #booksonbooks #booksofinstagram #bookstagramfeature #bookstagrammers #bookstagramgirl #humansofbookstagram #bookishlove #booknymph #bookishpost #bookishgirl #currentlyreading #booksaremagic #fortheloveofbooks #bookreader #instabooks #booklife

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